Thursday, October 07, 2004

Joe to school RUSHING

Well, I learned one thing today that I am very very unlikely to ever forget: when you write a blog, especially a long, edited, heartfelt blog, you must POST it before you try to change the settings. If you don't post it first, you will lose your long, edited, heartfelt blog.

Luckily, I didn't forget what we did this morning, today on this Thursday when I pick Joe up. He was late coming to my car--his Mom let him oversleep--and I arrived sleepy and glad. We went directly to my house on this beautiful, hollow, bright October day, and made French toast and Joe made great coffee (I'm still drinking a cup). He was very interested in the way that the coffeemaker worked, the tube in the back, and though he had asked about this before, today he seemed to really understand it. He also helped me drop the gooey French toast in the pan, and was very careful not to burn his hand. While I cooked it, he talked to me about Garfield (he and Drew LOVE Garfield): Joe told me about a particularly funny cartoon wherein Garfield was confronted with the necessity of a diet. This is something Garfield did not appreciate. Not even a bit. We talked about atoms, the endurace race Joe was going to be in early when he got to school, and I finished my first cup of coffee while we played a game of chess--well, part of a game--and he is getting pretty good. Apparently, he listened to Henry carefully when Henry was talking about "controlling the center" of the board. Joe went off to play Bugdom; I started to catch up on my reading (a journal from 2001! was on the front porch) and after five minutes I roused Joe from Bugdom (level three!) and we got in the car with Eli's drawer and piece of pipe and golf-ball collection. When we got to school, I tried to hug Joe but he was really worried about being late and squirmed and pushed himself away, but when I got to the bottom of the hill I saw him standing there, waiting for me, waving, making sure I saw him. It was good, because although we still are too rough with each other sometimes, I was reminded about how much we love each other.

Now off to work!


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